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Follow the Leader

So it has been a while since I last posted. There are a few reasons for that. I just finished a big project that consumed pretty much all of my time. I am excited to share that with you soon but not today. I have also been re-thinking the blog. What I want it to be. I still want it to be honest, raw, and a place to start discussion. I love that people have been responding to post and I’m grateful people even read it.

I don’t post often because I wait for big things to post. I want to post the small things though. I want to look back at the scriptures that inspired me, the songs that moved me, and the quotes that stuck with me and remember how God used them to reveal His character, move my heart, and bring me to redemption. So if that is the kind of journey you want to join me on then welcome. If not, well then I have some friends who write great stuff and I can refer you to them.

Also my roommates and I don’t have the Internet at our house. Another reason I don’t post a ton. We are amish. We are morally against the Internet. Or we don’t want to be distracted from community. At any rate forgive me as I will often update from my IPhone and my already horrible spelling and grammar skills will be even more horrible.

So as a new start to an old blog today I want to post about God’s character, and how He leads us. There is a song on Jimmy Needhams newest album called “Stay“. The first verse says…

“You lead me like the dawning of the day. You lead me like April leads into May. You lead me like the stone you rolled away.”

The thing I love about that verse is that it reveals to us that it’s in God’s natural tendency to lead us. The dawning of the day naturally happens. April naturally leads into May. The rolling away of the stone was a natural response to a powerful God that loves His people so much that death couldn’t contain Him. These things all happen because they respond to what God already set into motion. We as people do nothing to cause them to happen.

In the same way I believe it is God’s character to lead us. There is nothing you or I can do to cause Him to lead us. We can’t create it or muster it. He leads us, because of things He set into motion, and an unconditional love for us. We can chose to respond to Him or not. We can trust and follow Him, or chose our own way, but regardless of our choices, He is leading. For those who seek Him, He leads us even with out us noticing, or getting the journey perfectly right, BECAUSE it is in His character to lead us out of His grace filled unconditional love. How sweet is that?

So what about you?
Is it hard to follow God’s leading?
When was God leading you with out you noticing?
How can I pray for you as God is leading you in this season?

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